Mission and Goals

Building a Community, Together

We Are Kids' Books provides tools, clarity, conversation and community to help kid lit pros connect in one space. Created as a means to support one another, We Are Kids' Books is a much-needed space within the children's publishing industry.

We Are Kids' Books logo

Our Webinar

Real Advice, Industry Experts

We Are Kids’ Books brings together book publishing professionals to talk community, strategy, marketing, and sales. These webinars inspire action by looking at diverse topics from a real-life perspective.

We Are Kids's Books Webinar series with industry professionals


Advance Children's Books

A curated collection of resources picked specifically for the We Are Kids' Books community. From news and industry trends to candid chats with children's book professionals, we have compiled resources to help navigate the ins and outs of the business.

children's library shelf

The Blog

The Business, The Books and The Banter

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Building a Community for Kid Lit Pros

Navigating the children's publishing industry alone can be difficult, even for seasoned professionals. We Are Kids' Books is a resource and peer support community that provides a place for children's publishing professionals to connect, exchange ideas, discover, and learn.

boy with book on his head
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