About We Are Kids' Books

A Space To Grow and Advance Children’s Books

We Are Kids’ Books was created by Carolina Schwarz, Founder and Chief Strategist of We the Content a publishing consulting agency, as an exclusive place for children's book professionals to learn, connect and foster relationships. With over 10 years as an industry specialist working with publishers to grow and build their domestic and international audiences, Carolina recognized the need for peer connection and collaboration within the children’s book industry. Through shared knowledge and experiences, educational materials and open discussions with other industry professionals, the mission of We Are Kids’ Books is to create a space for dialogue, shared growth and a celebration of children’s books.

children's book in rolling cart

Carolina Schwarz, Founder We Are Kids' Books

“All of us in the publishing industry have a responsibility towards our readers. This is even more important with children’s books as we can impact a life forever. I wanted a place where children's book publishers could find industry resources, build a community and grow together.”

A Community For Children's Publishers

One Mission, One Goal

At We Are Kids’ Books it is our goal to provide a safe space that draws its strength and knowledge from the community. Deeply committed to this mission of fostering dialogue and shared growth, We Are Kids’ Books will become a trailblazer as the best place for resources, trends, and education serving like-minded children's book professionals.

We Can Help

Need Help Marketing Your Publishing Company?

We Are Kids’ Books is a community of children's publishers, but if you are interested in sales, marketing, and editorial support; our sister company, We the Content, can help.

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