Conversation and Connection

The We Are Kids' Books Webinars converses the real-life optic of the children's book publishing industry. Carolina Schwarz, Founder and Chief Strategist of We the Content, brings together children's book publishing professionals to talk strategy, marketing, and sales. These webinars inspire action and levity in the book publishing world. Click on an episode below and become more knowledgeable about the kids’ book publishing world.


Publishing Perspectives

Tucker Stone, Marketing Manager at Consortium IPS (Ingram Publisher Services) answers the question: How do publishers and distributors see the industry from their own perspectives?

Marketing Trends

Susan Mc Connell, Children's Marketing Manager at PGW, talks the current and future trends in children's books marketing.

Spanish Language Publishing in the U.S.

Kelsey Wayne, Spanish Language Sales Manager at IPG, talks about the current opportunities in Spanish language publishing in the United States.


L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

“Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge, and the longer you are on earth the more experience you are sure to get.”

Maximizing Performance

Julie Schaper, Vice President of Consortium IPS (Ingram Publisher Services), expertly informs about how understanding distributor-publisher relation can help maximize performance.

Selling Your Books in U.S. and Abroad

David Wightman, President at Global Book Sales, discusses international markets and how selling practices differ in the United States and abroad.

Tactics for Indie Publishers

Lee Wind, Director of Marketing and Programming at IBPA, gives great information about marketing and public relations tactics for Indie Publishers.

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